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    Sheryl baked for parties, holidays, fundraisers, friends and family – especially her husband and four kids who‘ve been some of her best taste testers over the years. However, the Bellick Bakes recipe would not be where it is today without the most enthusiastic taste tester of them all, and Sheryl’s forever inspiration – her father. He has recently passed, and in his final months, he was always up for tasting Sheryl’s famous chocolate chip cookies. Her cookies never failed to put a smile on his face.

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    When she’s not baking, Sheryl supports educational causes and school programs promoting the health and wellness of children. This includes doing educational consulting with individual families as well as school consulting as a member of several school boards. In addition, Sheryl is active in various causes and charities, including individuals and families affected by Glycogen Storage Disease 1A (GSD), which is a rare and life threatening metabolic disorder.

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    Once Sheryl’s kids started leaving her Chicago home for college, she got the idea of making “college care packages” featuring her beloved chocolate chip cookies. When she discovered how much her kids and their friends craved her one-of-a-kind cookies, she decided to share her handmade treats with families all across the country.

    Sheryl’s nephew has GSD, so finding a cure for this disease has become a lifelong mission for Sheryl’s family (curegsd.org). That’s why a portion of the proceeds from Bellick Bakes will go toward finding a cure for GSD. Sheryl aims to spread the warmth that her cookies provide by using them to support a cause that is near and dear to her family’s heart.

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    Impacting the lives of others is a big reason why Sheryl started Bellick Bakes – knowing that nothing brings about a smile like a sweet, scrumptious chocolate chip cookie. For a combination mother, PsyD, nutritionist and baker like Sheryl, it continues to amaze her how small things can have such dramatic effects.

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